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Home / Body Sculpting
VLCC professional body sculpting services
4.9⭐️ (2971 ratings)

7 Services Phone

Figure Correction, Slimming, Weight Loss, Skin Tightening

Advanced Therapies
Gel Therapy
Onda Cool


Spot Reduction

Spot Reduction

Age Group

Age Group

Adequate Pinchable fat

Adequate Pinchable fat





The Science of Cryolipolysis


Experience Cryolipolysis at VLCC


US FDA Approved
No Downtime


Smoothens cellulite

Smoothens cellulite

Non-surgical. No downtime

Non-surgical. No downtime

Success Stories


VLCC's Cryolipolysis is a game-changer! Comfortable treatment, love handles disappearing, and a boost in confidence. Thanks to VLCC, I've achieved my body goals. If you're considering it, go to VLCC – they're the best!

Neha Sharma, Delhi


VLCC's Cryolipolysis was a game-changer for me! After years of struggling with stubborn belly fat, the painless procedure and quick recovery were a relief. Within months, I saw a noticeable reduction in fat. I finally have bikini confidence thanks to VLCC!

Tanya Dua, Delhi


Cryolipolysis at VLCC exceeded my expectations! Professional staff, no downtime, and visible results within weeks. My clothes fit better than ever. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to sculpt their body.

Shilpi Arora, Delhi

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Frequently Asked Questions

On what areas can I use CoolSculpting?

The procedure is FDA-cleared to target stubborn fat bulges in specific areas: abdomen, flank/side (“love handle”), inner thigh, outer thigh, double chin, upper back, lower back. In special cases may be done for male breast (Pseudo gynecomastia) and arms under supervision.

Is it safe to undergo CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting has no down time! It is safe and completely non-invasive which allows immediate return to work, exercise and other normal activities. Although there may be some minor discomfort during the first 10 minutes as the fat is drawn into the applicator and cooled, no pain medication or anesthetics is needed.

Am I a good candidate?

The CoolSculpting fat-reduction procedure is specially designed for those who have unwanted fat in targeted areas. Unlike weight-loss surgery (e.g. gastric bypass), the CoolSculpting procedure is not a weight-loss solution for people who are obese. Anyone who wants to get rid of their noticeable bulges in certain areas can go for this non-surgical process (as an alternative to liposuction).

How many sessions will you require?

One session typically consists of 45-60 minutes. Number of sessions varies from person to person.

How much fat does CoolSculpting actually remove?

One session generally removes 20-30% fat from the targeted area.

How long will it take to notice results?

The results will be visible post one session

What happens to the fat?

Once the frozen fat cells freeze and crystallize, the body metabolizes and eliminates these dead cells naturally without impacting your daily life in any way.

Can the intense coolness damage my skin or cause frostbites?

No. The procedure is designed to deliver precise and controlled cooling to the fat cells below the skin layer and does not damage the skin or cause frostbite.

Can more than one area be treated in one session?

Yes. Usually, you can opt for one to three areas in a single session.

Does CoolSculpting reduces visceral fat?

No. The treatment does not target visceral fat that is wrapped around intra-abdominal organs. A consistent regimen of the right foods and exercise will help you do that.

Will I gain weight after my CoolSculpting treatment?

CoolSculpting is a targeted fat loss and not a general weight loss plan. It is possible to gain weight if you don’t maintain a healthy food and exercise regimen.

Book an appointment


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Unravel Your Beautiful Self with VLCC Body Sculpting Services


Most people have the urge to stay fit to ensure that they have good health. On the other hand, fitness is also key to beauty for many people. If you ask any person visiting the gym about the reasons for which they maintain fitness, you will find some responses related to the appearance of their body. 


 You can also choose techniques such as body sculpting to achieve the desired appearance of your body. The popularity of VLCC body sculpting services has improved by significant margins as more people want to have a chiselled body. Do you want to have a body shape like a diva or a Greek god? You can find the answer to such questions in the innovative and effective techniques for body sculpting.  


Transform Your Body’s Aesthetics with VLCC


At VLCC, we offer different types of body sculpting services to our clients who want to improve their appearance. We specialise in cool sculpting treatment techniques and other tools for figure correction and slimming. You can avail the benefits of weight loss under the guidance of trained and experienced technicians.


Our experts follow the best practices for utilising methods approved by the FDA to help you achieve the desired body shape. We offer seven different body sculpting services such as cryolipolysis, lipolaser, gel therapy, Onda cool treatment, v-fit therapy, lipozero and advanced therapies. Let us show you the details of each service and how they help you achieve your goals for improving the way you look.


Dealing with Stubborn Fat through Cryolipolysis


The first proven technique for cool sculpting is cryolipolysis, which involves the use of controlled cooling in the target area to remove stubborn fat cells. Your search for information about cool sculpting costs would create doubts about the nature of cool sculpting. As the name implies, coolsculpting refers to techniques that involve the use of cold temperatures for shaping the body. Sometimes, a healthy diet and physical exercise cannot fight against the stubborn fat cells in our bodies. The cold temperatures applied to target fat cells break them down, and the body eliminates the degenerated fat cells naturally. 


Innovative Use of Laser for Body Sculpting with Lipolaser


We use the innovative lipo laser technique as a trusted and effective tool for body sculpting. Lipolaser is different from conventional fat freeze treatment as it involves the use of low-level laser and low-frequency ultrasound. The laser and UCT can help drain excess fat deposits into the lymphatic system from where it would be drained naturally by the body. We also use radiofrequency energy to create a skin-firming effect, and vacuum therapy can boost blood circulation while offering relief from local oedema or swelling. Our experts use the mandatory patch test on a small area to determine the body’s response to ensure accurate calibration of the laser.


Discover a Simpler Figure Correction Technique with Gel Therapy


Gel therapy is a non-invasive technique for achieving the slim body shape you always wanted. It is one of the prominent responses for search queries such as ‘cool sculpting near me’ as it involves the use of anti-cellulite gels for therapy. The anti-cellulite gels are specially created with ingredients for promoting heat transfer and blood circulation that create a soothing effect on the muscles and tissues. Gel therapy is an important term you would find in searches for ‘body sculpting near me’ as it helps in hydrating the skin. It plays a crucial role in improving the skin texture, which is essential for body sculpting. 


Experience Innovation in Body Sculpting with Onda Cool Treatment


You can opt for the Onda Cool treatment method as an option for cool sculpting to achieve the desired results of figure correction. Before you think about cool sculpting costs in India, it is important to know the effectiveness of techniques such as Onda Cool treatment. It has been approved by the FDA for non-invasive and targeted fat reduction. Onda Cool treatment utilises specialised cooling technology to target specific areas to address different cosmetic concerns in your body. With the affordable cool sculpting cost in VLCC, you can make the most of Onda Cool treatment for using controlled cooling on target areas to reduce fat. It is a useful process for achieving the desired contours on your body, leading to a more chiselled appearance.


Leverage the Power of Technology for Body Sculpting with V-Fit


The next innovative technology we offer for shaping your body is V-Fit, which combines infrared, vacuum, bipolar radiofrequency and massage. You can avail the benefits of V-Fit with VLCC's cool sculpting price, removing financial barriers to accessing the service. Before the therapy starts, our experts use a revolving roller to offer mechanical stimulation to the target area to increase blood circulation. In the next step, experts use high-power RF technology and infrared light to reduce weight and tighten the skin. We use an anti-cellulite oil for massaging the target area to help in draining the excess fat through lymphatic drainage.


An Easier Approach to Figure Correction with Lipozero


 The list of VLCC cool sculpting services also includes Lipozero, an innovative contouring procedure that uses RF technology and ultrasound to reduce localised fat deposits. It is one of the best non-surgical alternatives to the traditional approaches for liposuction. The heat generated by RF energy helps in breaking down the fat cells in the target area, which are disposed of by the body naturally. Lipozero is an effective technology for fat reduction in different areas of the body, such as arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and flanks. 


Make the Most of Advanced Therapies for Body Sculpting


We also utilise advanced therapies that have proved successful in slimming your body shape. The VLCC cool sculpting price in India can help you access therapies such as tummy trims, Jalomi massages, and Stim & Regen therapy. Tummy Trim uses a G5 appliance and manual therapy for toning the body. The Jalomi massage therapy helps in improving lymphatic drainage with the use of natural ingredients to target stubborn fat deposits. We also use the Stim & Regen therapy as a non-surgical treatment for stimulation of collagen synthesis, fat burning and skin rejuvenation. The Stim & Regen therapy also utilises a smart system for delivering active ingredients directly to the fat cells.


Utilise the Best Facilities for Figure Correction and Body Sculpting


The assessment of cool sculpting VLCC reviews will help you understand how we deliver the best results in shaping your body. Our primary goal with cool sculpting services is to ensure that our clients have a painless, safe and effective body sculpting procedure. We have a team of experienced technicians, massage therapists and healthcare professionals to help you with your body sculpting needs. Consult with our experts and find the best approach for body sculpting right away.